Discover what’s happening during your next stay or plan a visit around our free live music, workshops, wellness offerings and more!

Mr. Ben! Special Kids’ Show
Aug 8 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

S P E C I A L   K I D S   S H O W

Mr. Ben!!!

Mr. Ben plays live music for kids and families in and around Portland, OR. His shows are the perfect blend of entertainment and education. Your child can participate as much or as little as they choose — they are free to explore new musical ideas and concepts at their own pace and in their own way.

So when you come to a Mr. Ben show, you can feel good about the fact that you are taking an active role in your child’s cognitive development, laying the foundation for their musical education, and helping to dispel the myth that only some people have musical potential. Who knew you could do all that just by attending a live children’s music show?

This event is free, all ages, and open to the public!

How the Light Gets In with instructor Suzie Kassouf
Aug 10 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Spring/Summer 2019 Workshop Series

How the Light Gets In with instructor Suzie Kassouf

It can feel unbearable to carry the pain of our world in this unprecedented era of social upheaval and ecological destruction. Luckily, the task of tending to our broken world can infuse us with life-affirming purpose, connection and joy. Through vinyasa, meditation, group activities and time spent in nature, we will learn to honor our pain as a precious signifier of our compassion and care for our world. Most importantly, we will develop in ourselves a robust and muscular hope, rooted in the very unpredictability of these times. Leonard Cohen implores us, “ring the bells that still can ring/ forget your perfect offering/ there is a crack in everything/ that’s how the light gets in.” I look forward to sharing this with you.


Suzie Kassouf is an educator, yoga instructor and climate justice activist. After 10 years of personal practice, she completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training at The People’s Yoga with Suniti Dernovsek in 2018. She has worked extensively on multiple campaigns including Bernie Sanders’ 2016 Presidential Run and the 2018 Portland Clean Energy Fund. Suzie believes strongly that our world is desperate for healing on multiple levels, and that true liberation can be found in community and service to others. She is passionate about marrying activism and spirituality and strives to courageously live the path of nonviolence in her life and work.

COST: sliding scale $40, $30, or $20

BRING:Pen, paper, yoga mat and a reusable bag. Please wear clothes comfortable for practicing yoga, walking on the beach and in the woods, and sitting for meditation. *optional: meditation cushion, blanket, yoga props. Sharing food is a powerful tool for deepening connection and building community. Please bring a dish to share as you are willing and able as well as an individual plate/bowl and utensils. Hot tea and coffee provided.

12 students max.

RSVP: or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Spring/Summer 2019 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

Sou’wester Arts Presents: Adam Torres plus Matt Emmons
Aug 10 @ 8:00 pm

Following the release of his latest album, Pearls to Swine, and his I Came to Sing the Song EP, both via Fat Possum in 2016 and 2017 respectively, Adam Torres has established himself as a powerful and poignant performer and songwriter. His explorations find him sitting equally within psych-folk and indie, and flavored by his affinity for his family’s roots in the U.S. Southwest. The resulting music offers deep, introspective journeys, both intimate and memorable.

This event is free, all ages, and open to the public!

canceled – Carve a Wooden Spoon: A Carving and Green Woodworking Workshop
Aug 17 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Spring/Summer 2019 Workshop Series

Carve a Wooden Spoon: A Carving and Green Woodworking Workshop with Emilie Rigby

canceled – Learn to safely use a myriad of hand tools in order to carve your own wooden spoon! In this class we will be splitting logs of freshly cut wood and using hatchets and knives to carve them into beautiful and useful objects. You will leave this class with a spoon and enough knowledge to continue the craft. Tools available for purchase at the end of class.


Emilie Rigby is a self-proclaimed “crazy spoon lady.” She carved her first spoon 8 years ago, while sitting around a campfire with some friends. After 4 hours she had a very ugly spoon and some blisters to show for her effort. She realized that she had spent those four hours living completely in the moment. 8 years and thousands of spoons later, she is teaching others how to carve so that they too can live in the moment. These days, you can find her in Portland, OR driving around in her camper van and picking up logs from development sites to turn into spoons. 


COST: $30 plus a $10 materials fee (Please pay material fee directly to the instructor.)

BRING:water and a journal, please bring a sack lunch and/or snack (Hot tea and coffee provided.)

This workshop is for students age 13 and up. Minors need to be accompanied by an adult. 15 students max.

RSVP: or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Spring/Summer 2019 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

Music: New Victorian
Aug 17 @ 8:00 pm

Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Scott Taylor, crafts ethereal folk tinged with country funk & plastic soul influences. Following the disbandment of No Go Know, New Victorian sprouted roots as a pointed downshift into nuanced reflection. Self-recorded over a period of several years in between duties as a husband, father and mental health social worker, “High Mass,” presents a resonant song cycle detailing loss and reformation.

New Victorian are currently prepping two EPs for release in 2019, while continuing to tour throughout the Pacific Northwest.

This event is free, all ages, and open to the public!

Let That Shift Go! Cultivating Compassion During Shifty Times @ Sou'wester Lodge and Vintage Travel Trailer Resort
Aug 26 @ 5:00 pm – Aug 29 @ 12:00 pm
Summer 2019 Wellness Retreat Series

Let That Shift Go!

Cultivating Compassion During Shifty Times

with Shanna Gillette


Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” But changing our old habits and patterns can be challenging. Just like your car or smartphone, the better you understand how to operate something, the more efficiently it will work. Your body and mind are no different. Ancient yogic science knows we are all connected and we need each other now more than ever. Happiness is not some destination to reach for outside of ourselves. True inner peace lies within. 

Western medicine teaches us that mind, body & spirit are all separate entities. Our individualistic culture disconnects us from nature, from each other, and from ourselves. We’ve been taught to devalue community and cooperation and to favor competition. But the times they are a changing – quickly. 

Are you ready to begin the journey back home to yourself?  

During this retreat, learn ancient yogic techniques mixed with mindfulness and proven methods to connect to our divine essence through the art of embodied movement. We will create a caring, non-judgmental space for somatic exploration; a safe container to explore grounding energies, heart-centered movement, and our own natural rhythms through gentle guided instruction. One part physical, one part mental, and one part open-hearted exploration, this retreat will reconnect your mind, body & spirit to help to awaken you to your true potential without limitations. Find your breath. Express your truth. Learn to become the master of your own mind. Transform the weight you’ve been carrying into something new. Join us for three amazing days designed to help you emerge from the ashes and let that shift go. 

Offerings will include:

Daily yoga and guided meditation, movement methods for somatic release, neuroscience & mindfulness education, individual therapeutic sessions, stress reduction techniques, restorative yoga in the evenings by candlelight, nature walks and beach time during the day & healthy meals cooked together (optional). 


Shanna Gillette is a certified yoga instructor, empowerment coach, intuitive guide and motivational speaker. She holds a degree in consciousness studies and has an extensive background in neuroscience, meditative techniques, theology, and more recently, conscious dance. She has been facilitating classes and workshops for the last two years throughout Washington and Oregon guiding people through the process of becoming aware of their own destructive, repetitive thinking patterns/habits along with tangible, practical methods to reprogram for more happiness and success. “Basically,” she says, “I teach people how to be nicer to themselves.”  She is available for private sessions, group & corporate workshops, retreats and on-line at


Schedule (subject to change):



3p Check in, settle in, explore, eat

7-8p Introductions, Intention setting

8-9p Restorative Yoga + Yoga Nidra

9-10p Sauna (optional)



8-9a – Light Breakfast + Coffee/Tea

9-10a – Connecting to Nature – Barefoot Beach Bliss 

10-11a – Snack + Mindfulness Exercises

11a-12p – Yoga Inspired Creative Movement (on the beach, weather permitting)

12-4p – Free time to explore, have lunch & rest.

4-6p – Exploring the Shift Discussion (location TBD) + Individual Wellness Sessions (optional massage, sauna)

6p – Preparation + Dinner (Vegetarian)

7:30-9p – Bhakti Yoga + Guided Meditation

9-10p Sauna (optional)



9a – Light Breakfast

10a-12p – Creating Affirmations & Practices for Mind/Body/Spirit + Closing + Checkout


BEGINS: Monday at 5pm

ENDS: Wednesday at 12pm

COST: $115, plus lodging

BRING: A yoga mat, notebook & pen, pillow, a sense of curiosity, and an open heart and mind. (Chairs available to those who cannot sit on the floor for long periods.)

BOOK ONLINE by clicking BOOK NOW (at top of page), enter the date range and the access code SHIFT


*For SHARED LODGING OPTIONS please contact

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Summer 2019 Wellness Retreat Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome.

Visit to see the full schedule of retreats.



Talkin’ to Johnny
Aug 31 @ 8:00 pm

Shag Rock!!

Sallie Ford, Maria Kohler and Amanda Spring present their latest rock n roll outfit!!

This event is free, all ages, and open to the public!

Lunar Being @ Sou'wester Lodge and Vintage Travel Trailer Resort
Sep 1 @ 4:00 pm – Sep 4 @ 12:00 pm
Summer 2019 Wellness Retreat Series

Lunar Being

with Suzy Olsen



Under the waxing crescent moon, we will gather for a multiple day retreat focused on accessing the depths of our lunar selves. This retreat is designed to teach us how to better live in sync with the lunar cycles as well as with our own ‘lunar being’.

Each attendee will be given a copy of their natal astrological chart. The natal chart will be used to decipher the role of the moon in your life, as well as the complexities and uniqueness of your moon self. Through various teachings and activities, we will uncover how each of us can better utilize the powers of our moon beings in our daily lives to achieve greater fulfillment and wellness.

In astrology, the moon represents our inner realm and what we value most. Our innermost desires are reflected in the moon, as well as the secrets to unlocking those desires. La luna is the sacred hunter of the zodiac, feeding our soul what it needs most. Ever changing, the moon is elusive and mysterious. By better understanding the moon, we bring ourselves closer to harmonizing body, mind and spirit.

“ When you don’t follow your nature there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be.”  – Dane Rudhyar

Expect to learn about and experience the following:

  • Your personal natal astrological chart. You must know your exact birth time.
  • Moon technology: How to work with lunar cycles and ritual to positively influence your life and well being.
  • How the moon guides your life purpose and personal fulfillment.
  • Sacred lunar traditions and rituals.
  • Create your own unique magical moon ‘talisman’.


This retreat is open to people with all levels of experience and curiosity. If you have an interest in astrology and developing a deeper understanding of your ‘inner workings’, this experience is sure to be both inspiring and enriching.


Suzy Olsen is the creator and owner of Chariot, a spiritually focused housewares boutique and design studio located in Astoria, Oregon. In 2011, she officially began her career as a professional tarot reader and astrologer. These days, she performs private readings and several spiritual workshops from her store location. Her intuitive readings give insights on personal growth and healing, and her specialty is uncovering ‘hidden’ truths that may empower and inspire her clients.

In early childhood, she first noticed a strong connection to unseen forces, and began researching various occult subjects. Studying astrology has been a lifelong passion, beginning in the early teenage years.  After training with numerous astrologers over the years, Suzy has combined both traditional and modern astrological methods in her practice. Many of her astrological techniques come from the ancient Hellenistic period, stemming back thousands of years.

Perhaps because she is ruled by the moon, she feels especially drawn to working with the lunar energies for personal development and ritual. She has hosted several astrology moon workshops at Chariot, writes a monthly ‘new moon newsletter’ and regularly hosts magical seasonal retreats in Nehalem, OR.






Arrival + Check-in + Settle in


Meet and Greet ‘Waxing Moon Mixer’



Traditions and the Role of the Moon + the Signs

*Free Time*


The Divine Triad and the Houses of the Moon



Lunar Phases and Magical Workings

 *Free Time*


Moon Talisman Making + Self Care


Ritual + Optional Sauna  



Goodbyes and Head Home!

BEGINS: Sunday at 7pm

ENDS: Wednesday at 11am

COST: $225, plus lodging ($200 deposit reserves your space and is credited towards your total)

BRING: Journal and pen/pencil, comfy cushion and/or blanket for sitting and a water bottle. Wear comfortable clothing

Please sign up for the Lunar Being retreat by August 18th

BOOK ONLINE by clicking BOOK NOW, enter the date range and the access code LUNAR

*For SHARED LODGING OPTIONS please contact

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Summer 2019 Wellness Retreat Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome.

Visit to see the full schedule of retreats.



Noah Kite
Sep 7 @ 8:00 pm

Noah Kite shapes pop, jazz, and classical influences to accent folk’s lyrical poignancy. This chambered folk-rock uses its roots in a childhood of Ravel, Sade, Van Morrison, Enya, and Steely Dan to make melodic and poetic sense of experiences teaching, traveling, and touring abroad. While these dynamically orchestrated dramas find an expansively symphonic home on the record, in live settings arrangements are distilled to their essential workings; Kite’s guitar and voice are laced by the haunting oboe of Laura Gershman, the eclectic percussion of Alan Cook, and the emotive cello of Esme Schwall to deliver each tune its own life.

This event is free, all ages, and open to the public!

The Art of Bright Leadership @ Sou'wester Lodge and Vintage Travel Trailer Resort
Sep 9 @ 5:00 pm – Sep 12 @ 11:00 am
Summer 2019 Wellness Retreat Series

The Art of Bright Leadership

with Gracie Koester



Whether leading your own micro-biz, a crew, an organization, or just participating fully as an engaged team member–your work is to contribute your unique, powerful gifts and co-create conditions for others to do the same. The impact ripples across not only work, but life. You become both strong and fluid in leadership; adapting to change and enacting your vision. The results of Bright Leadership are thriving, joy, satisfaction, growth, and creativity.

This retreat will connect you to your core commitments, illuminate new ways to lead with ease and impact, and equip you with tools to reach greater reward. We will uncover your Highest Purpose, and draw lessons from Aikido and the roots of our humanness. We will hone your skills in seeing your ecosystem and optimizing the exchanges within, and channel your vision into inspiring goals with actionable, measurable metrics. You will emerge shining more brightly, doing more of your best work, and extending value and joy in your ecosystem. 

  • Connecting to our roots as biological beings
  • Honing in on your Highest Purpose
  • Identifying dimming cycles
  • Setting inspiring & motivating objectives
  • Working with an agile mindset
  • Lessons from Aikido, yoga and meditation


Gracie Koester is a Business Geographer dedicated to helping individuals, organizations, and communities generate greater impact and reward. Trained to see in layers and interconnections, she has a knack for making the complex simple. She works individually and system-wide to connect dots–uncovering new insights and pathways to success. 

Ecosystem thinking and agile strategy are central components of Gracie’s work, integrating a people-centered approach with a strong focus on metrics. She combines big picture thinking and attention to detail to help leaders and organizations design and implement nimble, powerful strategy and generate thriving cultures. The results enhance that sweet spot of productivity & creativity: brighter ideas, brighter work, brighter people.

Gracie is an experienced facilitator, speaker, listener, and consultant. She brings a decade-plus of experience coaching and consulting in the realms of agility, strategy, leadership, and team performance. Gracie has worked across industries, including healthcare, design, advertising, tech, retail, construction, and social impact.

At her core, Gracie is a lifelong learner. She holds a BA from Macalester, and has trained in Ecosystem Intelligence, The Master Moves, Leadership Embodiment, and Generative Leadership. She resides in Portland, OR.




4pm  arrive, settle in


Welcome; an invitation to Brighten

Agile warmups & new connections

Setting focus for the retreat

7pm  dinner



Connecting to our roots as biological beings

Honing in on your Highest Purpose

Embodiment practice; lessons from Aikido


Lunch & reflection & self-guided rejuvenation


Identifying dimming cycles

Seeing and flowing in ecosystems

Illuminating exchanges


Highest Purpose meditation with Adrian

7pm  dinner



Trio conversations & exchange


Yoga w Adrian


Setting ‘Moonshots’ (inspiring & motivating Objectives)

Measuring with metrics that matter


Lunch & reflection & self-guided rejuvenation


Commitments as a listening act

Agile mindset & embodiment practices

5:30pm  spa time

7pm  dinner



Gratitude & Inventing the future

Commitments to Brighten


BEGINS: Monday at 5pm

ENDS: Thursday at 11am

COST: $300, plus lodging ($200 deposit reserves your space and is credited towards your total)

BRING: A notebook and pen, a comfy cushion and/or blanket for sitting, & a yoga mat, if you have one

BOOK ONLINE by clicking BOOK NOW (at top of page), enter the date range and the access code BRIGHT

*For SHARED LODGING OPTIONS please contact

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Summer 2019 Wellness Retreat Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome.

Visit to see the full schedule of retreats.