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Spice Rack Remedies : DIY Kitchen Medicine for Common Ailments with Elyssia Maya Schaeffer
Nov 2 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series

Spice Rack Remedies : DIY Kitchen Medicine for Common Ailments with Elyssia Maya Schaeffer

The contents of our spice rack, pantry and refrigerator offer much in the way of simple home remedies for the common ailment. That childhood cup of warm milk before bed and Grandma’s aloe plant for your summer sunburn were not just old wives tales! In this workshop, we will make DIY medicines for five prevalent health concerns – headaches, indigestion, rashes, eye irritation and sleeplessness while discussing why these simple solutions actually work. You will go home with a sample of each remedy and a deeper understanding of the herbal allies at your fingertips.

Elyssia Maya Schaeffer is a Certified Wellness Coach, Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Ayurveda & Yoga Teacher living in Portland, Oregon on her little slice of heaven affectionately known as “Schaeffer Family Farms”. When not health coaching, teaching workshops or managing the eclectic medicinary of a Naturopathic and Acupuncture clinic, Elyssia can be found reveling in the joys of her farmstead with her fun-loving husband, two cheeky chihuahuas, a sweet bunny and eight spunky Silkie chickens.

Elyssia believes everyone has the wisdom and power within themselves to make positive changes for their physical and emotional well being and truly enjoys supporting each person’s unique process in creating and putting into action the lifestyle habits that lead to the most balanced, vibrant, authentic expression of themselves.

COST:  $30 

BRING: All supplies provided. Please bring a sacklunch. A winter chai tea, homemade energy bars and fruit will be provided for snacks.

All ages welcome. 8 students max.

RSVP: via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.


The Crucible: Feminist Art Weekend
Dec 6 – Dec 8 all-day


The Crucible: Feminist Art Weekend

A weekend of creative practice and feminist community, the Crucible makes space to write, read, draw, question, meditate, brainstorm, collaborate, support other women’s work, and replenish your artistic energy. Bring a project that’s already underway or start something totally new. We will offer “spark sessions” with writing prompts and discussion of creative process; there will also be dedicated time for participants to work independently. Our schedule includes communal potluck dinners and a public reading/music performance on Saturday evening. Also: naps, beach walks, sauna time, and tea by the fire.


Sophia Shalmiyev and Leni Zumas



Sophia Shalmiyev is the author of the memoir Mother Winter. She emigrated from Leningrad to United States in 1990. She lives in Portland with her two children.



Leni Zumas’s most recent novel is Red Clocks, which won the 2019 Oregon Book Award for Fiction. She directs the MFA in Creative Writing program at Portland State University.

December 6-8, 2019

Arrive 4:00 pm on Friday 12/6
Depart 11:00 am on Sunday 12/8

Limited to 20 participants.

Participants pay for their own lodging (2 nights) at a 20% discount.

There is no additional charge for Crucible events.

RSVP: or call 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm and mention that you would like the 20% discount available to CRUCIBLE participants.


Steady & Clear: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation @ Sou'wester Lodge and Vintage Travel Trailer Resort
Feb 28 @ 6:00 pm – Mar 1 @ 12:00 pm
Winter/Spring 2020 Wellness Retreat Series

Steady & Clear:

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for the Flow of
Your Life

with Laurel Clohessy


This retreat is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the joy, transformation, and rejuvenation of Kundalini Yoga, sacred chant, and creativity as you discover and return to the HOME that is your true self. Whether you are an experienced yogi, or this is your first time practicing Kundalini Yoga, you can benefit from this practice. Kundalini Yoga and meditation, as taught by Yogi Bhajan is for anyone and everyone. Just breathe, and lean in the right direction and you too will benefit! The best way to know it, is by doing it-so we will experience basic pranayam or breathwork, kriyas or yogic sets, meditations, and mantras that can become a part of your own daily toolbox. Tools to release stress, to unlock creativity, and be your best YOU. Kundalini yoga is often called “the yoga of awareness,” as it is a journey of self-mastery and one that activates all the systems of the body.



We will enjoy the blessings of community-in a few group meditations and exercises, as well as the natural world-taking time by the ocean to practice a walking meditation. There will be a couple of brief writing and art exercises explored post-yoga sets as a tool for self-reflection and awareness. In this weekend retreat, you will get to know the other participants as we share in community. This will also be a time to slow down and listen to yourself in the beauty of the setting on the Washington Penninsula. There will be free time to explore, soak, relax, and enjoy on your own. All parts of the retreat classes are by choice-if you need to rest or skip anything that is just fine. You will leave with handouts and a personal recipe for your own personal practice, as well as a group 40-day sadhana to continue after if you choose.

Kundalini Yoga is a tool to experience your birthright to happiness and greatness as the human being that you are. “Great challenges come to Great people.” -YB

I hope to see you there! Sat Nam


Laurel Clohessy (Deshpal Kaur) grew up with Kundalini Yoga sprinkled throughout her early childhood. She returned to the arms of this practice following the birth of her oldest son. In 2005 Laurel studied with Gurmukh to become a certified Khalsa Way Prenatal teacher. In 2007, she completed the Radiant Child teacher training with Shakta Kaur, and in 2014 Laurel completed her Level 1 KYTT with Sevak Singh Khalsa. She has loved bringing these healing teachings to humans of all ages through the years in Montessori schools, University, birth centers, detention centers, and studios. Laurel is a Cornerstone Childbirth Educator, mother to two boys, educator, and lover of all things ginger. Laurel often incorporates poetry and dance movement into her all-levels classes. It is her joy to share these teachings with others, and she sees the powerful practice of Kundalini Yoga as a compass that can always point us forward, as well as return us to the happiest, truest Self. Laurel teaches currently in Portland, Oregon and is a transplant from Flagstaff, AZ.

SCHEDULE: (subject to change)



  • Check-in, logistics, welcome circle



  • Morning Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
  • Discussion-Sadhana/Developing Personal Practice/Morning Self-Care
  • Meditation & Mantra, Reflective Dialogue Practice

Lunch Break and Free to BE Time


  • Tune-In, Yogi Bhajan Short video 
  • Yoga with Self-Awareness Art/Drawing exercise
  • Dance Movement

Dinner Break and Free to BE Time


  • Gong & Sound Relaxation. Goodnight



  • Aquarian Sadhana


  • Walk to the beach
  • Group meditation
  • Closing circle/Farewell


BEGINS: Friday at 6pm

ENDS: Sunday at 10am

COST: $120 / Lodging separate

BRING: Comfortable clothing to move, Yoga mat (if do not have-there will be a few to loan) and cushion, walking shoes, towel or blanket to sit on at the beach, water bottle, journal or notebook and pen.

BOOK ONLINE by clicking BOOK NOW, enter the date range and the “promo code” STEADY


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


canceled – How the Light Gets In with instructor Suzie Kassouf
Mar 21 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Winter 2020 Workshop Series

How the Light Gets In with instructor Suzie Kassouf

canceled – It can feel unbearable to carry the pain of our world in this unprecedented era of social upheaval and ecological destruction. Luckily, the task of tending to our broken world can infuse us with life-affirming purpose, connection and joy. Through vinyasa, meditation, group activities and time spent in nature, we will learn to honor our pain as a precious signifier of our compassion and care for our world. Most importantly, we will develop in ourselves a robust and muscular hope, rooted in the very unpredictability of these times. Leonard Cohen implores us, “ring the bells that still can ring/ forget your perfect offering/ there is a crack in everything/ that’s how the light gets in.” I look forward to sharing this with you.


Suzanna Kassouf  is an educator, yoga instructor and climate justice activist. After 10 years of personal practice, she completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training at The People’s Yoga with Suniti Dernovsek in 2018. She is an organizer with the climate justice group Sunrise PDX and is student teaching Environmental Justice and Ethnic Studies at Lincoln High School in Portland. Suzie believes strongly that our world is desperate for healing on multiple levels, and that true liberation can be found in community and service to others. She is passionate about marrying activism and spirituality and strives to courageously live the path of nonviolence in her life and work.


COST: sliding scale $40, $30, or $20

BRING:Pen, paper, yoga mat and a reusable bag. Please wear clothes comfortable for practicing yoga, walking on the beach and in the woods, and sitting for meditation. *optional: meditation cushion, blanket, yoga props. Sharing food is a powerful tool for deepening connection and building community. Please bring a dish to share as you are willing and able as well as an individual plate/bowl and utensils. Coffee provided.

No age limit but this class deals with deep emotions. 16 students max.

RSVP: or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Winter 2020 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

INNER SPACE: Shamanic Hypnosis, Gathering Resources for Inner Healing @ Sou'wester Lodge and Vintage Travel Trailer Resort
Apr 1 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 3 @ 11:00 am

Spring 2020 Wellness Retreat Series




Shamanic Hypnosis / Gathering Resources for Inner Healing

with Mali Drexelius 


This retreat will explore tools that can help us to navigate the subconscious mind and our innate ability to self-heal. We will be learning practices from shamanic, hypnotherapy, and sound healing modalities to allow us to move into different states of consciousness. In these altered states, we can make beneficial changes, get in touch with our highest wisdom, and clear old belief systems and patterns that are no longer serving us. During the workshop, we will meet with some of your healing guides, as well as be learning practices for deepening our connection with spirit and our inner knowing. Breakfast will be provided Thursday and Friday, as well as dinner Thursday evening.



Mali Drexelius stumbled into the mysterious world of shamanism in 2010, when she was seeking help for anxiety and depression that had plagued her for years. She was surprised to find that it helped immensely, and so embarked on a long journey to train and study under many gifted healers, offering perspectives and techniques from many traditions. A later search led to a different, yet similarly framed processes found in Western culture — Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Repatterning. The synthesis of these different schools of thought have allowed for a reconcile between the profound metaphysical experiences with her inclination towards science, reason, and the biology of brain and body.

At current, Mali has been blessed with the opportunity to teach and see clients both privately and in groups, with the understanding that she is always a student. It is her hope to pass along the knowledge and resources she’s collected along the way so others may also find access to their own innate healing and self-care. It is her intention to always have a beginners mind, to follow an inner guidance, and to honor and adapt these ancient techniques to deepen our understanding of consciousness for ourselves and our planet.




  • Check in/get settled


  • Meet and Greet with snacks


  • KAVA Ceremony and Calling in the Spirits & Introduction to working with allies and self-hypnosis



  • Spirit Plate, Simple Breakfast provided


  • Learning to Journey
  • Guided Meditations/ breath work
  • Meeting your allies Ritual for Intention

1:30-5pm BREAK TIME

Feel free to grab lunch nearby, or bring something for yourself to snack on. Also free time to sauna, go to the beach, rest, or request private shamanic session, etc.

5:30 Prayer ties and flower mandala ceremony

7:00-8:30pm DINNER

  • Dinner will be provided and will be created to ensure that everyone can partake! (Please send us a list of allergies and food preferences!)
  • If you feel called to bring a dish, salad, or donation for food, it will be graciously accepted.


  • Burning our prayer ties and calling in ceremony on the beach nearby!


9-11am Simple Breakfast

  • Including tea, closing ceremony and goodbyes

12:00pm Check out


COST: $165 / Lodging separate

BRING: A journal, comfortable clothes for the weekend, and any instruments, rattles, drums, chimes, etc that may call to you if you wish to make sound with. You may also choose to bring extra blankets for the beach and/or to be cozy during our sessions. Please bring anything else that may help you be more comfortable in the Pavilion space…pillows, meditation cushions, layers for clothing etc.

We will be outside on the last evening, so be sure to bring coastal weather gear. We will have some meals, but please bring some snacks if you feel called to satiate you during the weekend. Please let us know ahead of time any food allergies or food preferences so we can plan our meals accordingly.

BOOK ONLINE by clicking BOOK NOW, enter the date range and the access code 


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644

Visit to see the full schedule of retreats.


Inbodiment: Applying Energy Concepts to Release Tension @ Sou'wester Lodge and Vintage Travel Trailer Resort
May 8 @ 6:00 pm – May 10 @ 8:00 pm
Spring 2020 Wellness Retreat Series

Inbodiment: Applying Energy Concepts to Release Tension with Dr Heidi Walrath  


What stories are stuck in your body?

The “how to” look, listen and feel within.

led by Intuitive & Clairvoyant healer Dr. Heidi Walrath, DC

Inbodiment: is to inhabit. To bring into focus expressed curiosities and explore the expansivness within your own body’s vibration to gain tangible, sensory awareness of self-body.

This retreat is for those who wish to strengthen their ability to heal thy self.

Dr. Heidi will guide you through activities, movement, breath and meditation techniques that bring you into your body, as she accesses her intuitive and clairvoyant abilities to assist you in gaining firsthand experience with what YOU feel like. Learn how to discover your hidden stories and how to release your own pain and discomfort.

Dr. Heidi, DC BIO has always been curious. Guided by her strong inner voice, she has always listened.  When she was a child she had this feeling in her heart that lead her down the path. She started studying healing arts 20 years ago and fell in love with the idea that the body has many stories and that they could be accessed and healed. Since then, she has studied and explored different modalities receiving a certification in 200-hr Acupressure, an Assoc. degree in Exercise Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention, a Bachelors in Kinesiology & Exercise Physiology and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. She has continued her studies in quantum theory, conscious field work and dug deep into vibrational and tonal approaches through a chiropractic approach called Bio-geometric Integration (BGI) which teaches about the tonal expression through the structural body and how our bodies expressed distorted tension patterns through the whole person. She also continues to study theories on epigenetics, quantum medicine, as is currently practicing in Portland as an intuitive and clairsentient chiropractor who focuses on emotional integration and medical intuitive work.



  • Meet and Greet.
  • Setting the tone for the workshop.
  • Introductions and discussion about Inbodiment and why it is a powerful approach in self-healing.
  • Participants share any specific health concerns they are experiencing.
  • ACTIVITY grounding and clearing.



  • DISCUSSION on body tension, consciousness and stored potential.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Accessing awareness: Where do you exist? Finding hidden layers.
  • DISCUSSION on energy, force dynamics, focus vs allowance.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Giving attention to the volumes & accessing our infinite field.
  • DISCUSSION the Waves of Breath.
  • BREATH ACTIVITY: Breath & your body. How to reach the inside corners.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Connecting to breath, as a vector, with purpose.



  • DISCUSSION of concepts of awareness, focus and intention
  • MOVEMENT ACTIVITY: Where are you in space? Following vs leading
  • Guided MEDITATION: Body Scanning: where does your awareness lead you? What do you see, feel & observe?
  • ACTIVITY grounding and staying open
  • QUESTIONS on concepts covered



  • DISCUSSION: Questions from yesterday.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Breath on purpose, building attention & the meeting of vectors.
  • DISCUSSION: Playing with body energies inside & outside, tension, disconnection, injuries, stored emotions & potential to heal.
  • MOVEMENT activity: Activating body awareness and moving energy.
  • BREATH Exercise: Creating space connecting vectors (purposeful breath & awareness meet intention.
  • MEDITATION creativity and questions



  • DISCUSSION: Stored Pain- How to change your broken story: does your past still exist once healed?
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION observing your sensations
  • DISCUSSION on energy dynamics. Changing direction, pushing vs pulling
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Playing in all directions of moving energy or letting energy move.
  • BREATH + MEDITATION: Putting it all together.
  • DISCUSSION: Clearing and releasing the story
  • SELF Guided Application: Each person focuses on one component of their body discovery to apply what they learned
  • CLOSING gratitude share
  • ACTIVITY Releasing energy and being in allowance of change.

BEGINS: Friday at 6pm

ENDS: Sunday at 6pm

COST: $250, plus lodging (20% off)

BRING: Dress comfortably to move, bring a water bottle, and yoga mat if you have one.

This workshop is best for students age 14 and up. 10 students max.

BOOK ONLINE by clicking BOOK NOW, enter the date range and the access code INBODIMENT

*For SHARED LODGING OPTIONS please contact or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Summer 2020 Wellness Retreat Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome.

Visit to see the full schedule of retreats.


Nick Delffs : Presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Sep 11 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Nick Delffs is a seeker. He’d never identify himself that way. He’s unassuming and self-effacing, careful to discuss song meanings and biographical details without indulgence or melodrama. Delffs cut his teeth playing basement shows in Portland a dozen years ago, just before that city’s cover was irreversibly blown. It was a time when being musically ambitious meant impressing other local musicians. You were a joke, in that world, if you proclaimed yourself an artist or promoted your band with any zeal. So Delffs would probably find “seeker” a rather grandiose title.

Luke Borsten: Presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Oct 2 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Luke Borsten: Presented by Sou’wester Arts

Luke Borsten is a songwriter/saxophone man in Portland. After opening for Amanda Palmer, touring nationally, releasing an album at the Wonder Ballroom, and performing on cruise ships for two years, he’s now looking forward to his first live show of 2021. His energetic, front-porch folk performance style keeps crowds singing and clapping along, and he frequently invites special guests up to perform, making for an eclectic and memorable experience.

Luke’s band, Ghost Towns, recorded part of their album at the Sou’Wester, as part of a week-long artist residency in 2014. When not performing live Luke can be found shooting/editing live videos for bands around Portland, and is currently directing his first music video.

Music: Faustina Masigat @ The Sou'wester
Oct 9 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Faustina Masigat at The Sou’wester
Frustrated by academia and emotionally raw from a breakup, Faustina Masigat stepped away from her peers in her mid-twenties. She had come to realize that her personal and artistic maturation had been stifled by her relationships and her overly angular traditional musical schooling. She knew she needed to spend more time alone, committed to a process of unlearning, before she could move forward. As she peeled back the rigid layers of her youth, she began to write the songs that, a few years later, would make up her debut record. Seeking honesty over perfection, her approach to composition became much more intuitive; seated in the natural expression of not only her emotional life, but also that of a spiritual life, an expression of her own femininity, and a means of self improvement through self reflection. She became obsessed with the old, forgotten, second-hand guitars she would find in the “As Is” section of local music shops, believing that magic and songs still lived in the beat-up wood. One album track, “Willie Nelson”, manifested, fully formed, from one of these guitars – an ancient, labeless individual that she called “Red.” 
The songwriting on her self-titled debut is all at once heartbreaking, intelligent, meditative and elegant – centered around a voice that is difficult to attach genre to. There is a quiet intensity running through the world that Faustina creates: sweet and heavy, a touch of angst, brutally honest, smoldering. The album is understated, arranged as to allow Faustina’s effortless rapport with pedal steel player Tucker Jackson (The Minus 5, The Delines) to shine clearest. It’s a spacious and lush debut, with all of her vulnerabilities laid bare in songs hemmed together with fragile intimacy.
Faustina Masigat is out now on Mama Bird Recording Co. It was recorded by Rian Lewis, mixed by Ben Nugent and mastered by Timothy Stollenwerk, all in Portland, Oregon.
The Hackles: Presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Oct 16 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

The Hackles: Presented by Sou’wester Arts

“We’re processing a lot of things going on in our world right now,” reflects Kati Claborn during a respite from touring. Along with her partner Luke Ydstie, Claborn is striving to make sense of the present by looking to the past in The Hackles’ upcoming album, A Dobtrich Did As A Dobritch Should, out on Jealous Butcher Records on November 8, 2019. “We’re looking at the big picture through individual lives,” says Claborn.  In an era rife with discord, The Hackles are using melodic, shimmering indie folk to chronicle means of control and autonomy through idiosyncratic narratives.

 Ydstie and Claborn first met in Portland in the mid-2000s after Israel Nebeker and Ryan Dobrowski of Blind Pilot recruited additional band members to flesh out the band. Still members of Blind Pilot today, Ydstie and Claborn first met at these initial band practices, and now live in Astoria, Oregon with their five-year-old daughter. After discovering how well each of their creative processes’ enrich one another’s, Ydstie and Claborn decided to form their own musical project. “I think one of the reasons why it’s so successful when Luke and I write together is that we feel very safe and open,” says Claborn. “Both of us feel like we can throw out any idea and it’s okay. We can try anything.” Co-producer Adam Selzer expands this environment of experimentation. “Going into the mixing process, we gave Adam free reign to do whatever he wanted, and he made a lot of interesting mixing choices and added effects that had a huge effect on how the album turned out.”

Though The Hackles’ upcoming record title might at first seem imbued in mystery, the  eccentric name is a nod to the life and death of 20th century Bulgarian circus impresario, Al Dobritch, who appears most markedly in “And The Show Goes On.” The chief producer of famed Circus Circus Casino in Las Vegas, Dobritch made a name for himself after escaping World War II and settling in America, eventually rubbing elbows with celebrities and marrying film star Rusty Allen. His gilded life came to a dark end when he was charged with kidnapping and, soon after, jumped to his death on the Las Vegas strip. “Dobritch went through so many crazy things in his life,” says Claborn, “And though he was able to persevere and create this incredible life, it goes to show that at the end, there are sometimes things you can’t control.”

The interwoven notions of predestined fate, as well as the hopeful antithesis of regaining power over one’s personal circumstances, stream throughout The Hackles’ upcoming release, complemented by the album’s serene sound. The duo’s propensity for glowing chords shines, though it soon becomes apparent that the expert delicacy of the couple’s guitar work only barely contains the graceful, mounting power prevalent in the meeting of Claborn and Ydstie’s voices. Similar to the tug-of-war stories that Claborn and Ydstie portray, the dynamism of the duo’s vocals never overpowers the tranquility of the chords below. Instead, both strengths support and enhance one another. “There’s a thread going through the album about the things that control us in our lives and the things that we’re able to take back,” surmises Claborn, “It’s about the impact of inevitability, the webs you can weave, and the webs that weave you.”