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Floral Bundle Dyeing with Brittany Boles
Nov 23 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series

Floral Bundle Dyeing with Brittany Boles

Floral bundle dyeing layers color the same way you make a delicious meal, thoughtful design, scent, texture, and delicious natural ingredients blend together. We’ll steam our fabric like textile dumplings to create lovely Monet-esque designs. We’ll use flowers grown in my dye garden, spices, extracts, and pigments to ceate beautiful water color effects on natural fabric. You’re invited to bring your own bouquet of dried flowers to immortalize as well. We’ll discuss the world of natural dyes and explore hammered leaf and flower prints (hapazome influences) on paper as well. Price includes a premordanted cotton pillowcase and samples of raw silk noil and bamboo/cotton fabric and a handbook with home instructions.

Fiber artist and indigo grower, Brittany Boles, shares her knowledge of the world of plant colors in workshops along the north coast. She maintains a dye garden at NorthFork 53 Farm in Nehalem, specializing in Japanese Indigo pigment extraction. She’s passionate about collaborating with local artists and connecting with her local native dye plants in her small coastal town of Gearhart.

COST: $60 plus a materials fee of $25 (Please pay material fee directly to instructor.) 

BRING: Notebook, pen, dried flowers (optional), and a bag for transporting damp fibers home. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Coffee and tea provided. Please wear clothes that are ok to get dye on.

This workshop is for students age 10 and up. Max students 12.

RSVP: or 360-642-2542


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.














The Crucible: Feminist Art Weekend
Dec 6 – Dec 8 all-day


The Crucible: Feminist Art Weekend

A weekend of creative practice and feminist community, the Crucible makes space to write, read, draw, question, meditate, brainstorm, collaborate, support other women’s work, and replenish your artistic energy. Bring a project that’s already underway or start something totally new. We will offer “spark sessions” with writing prompts and discussion of creative process; there will also be dedicated time for participants to work independently. Our schedule includes communal potluck dinners and a public reading/music performance on Saturday evening. Also: naps, beach walks, sauna time, and tea by the fire.


Sophia Shalmiyev and Leni Zumas



Sophia Shalmiyev is the author of the memoir Mother Winter. She emigrated from Leningrad to United States in 1990. She lives in Portland with her two children.



Leni Zumas’s most recent novel is Red Clocks, which won the 2019 Oregon Book Award for Fiction. She directs the MFA in Creative Writing program at Portland State University.

December 6-8, 2019

Arrive 4:00 pm on Friday 12/6
Depart 11:00 am on Sunday 12/8

Limited to 20 participants.

Participants pay for their own lodging (2 nights) at a 20% discount.

There is no additional charge for Crucible events.

RSVP: or call 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm and mention that you would like the 20% discount available to CRUCIBLE participants.


SoulCollage®: Building Your Deck with Josephine Banks
Dec 7 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series

SoulCollage®: Building Your Deck with Josephine Banks

Discover Your Wisdom, Change Your World! SoulCollage® is an intuitive collage process for self-discovery and community. In this workshop we will make our own decks of 5×8 collaged cards for personal use from images found in purchased or donated magazines, calendars, books, cards, personal photos, etc.

The SoulCollage® process helps people discover their unique inner/outer guides and challengers, and to explore and express their unique soul in its lightness as well as its shadow. It is also fun to do, individually and in community!
Seena B. Frost ~ Founder of SoulCollage® 1932-2016
had the following to say about reading your cards:
“The intention of a SoulCollage® reading is to provide a way that our personal and powerful card images can actually speak aloud to us about important life questions. Images have a way of bypassing the chatter of our logical minds and nudging our deep Soul wisdom where intuitive answers can be found and spoken. Doing a reading in a supportive, small group is especially powerful because Souls love the silent embrace of witnesses.”
~ Seena B. Frost
You will be guided to explore the Four Suits, Community, Committee, Council, and Companion, that make up a SoulCollage® deck. After this workshop you can take these cards with you and continue the practice at home and with community.

Instructor Josephine Banks:
If you were to ask me what I do I would answer this way, “I create, I search, I love, I forgive, I write, I garden, I farm, I teach, I heal, I learn, I share, I march forward, and so much more.” If you were to ask me who I am I would answer this way. “ I am an artist, a healer, a mother, a writer, a wife, a friend, a teacher, a farmer, a student, a volunteer, an explorer, a seeker, a SoulCollage® Facilitator, an Airbnb Super Host and whoever else I need to be.” None of us, not one can be defined simply. It is my belief that because we are undeniably amazing and diverse Creations we all have the power of Creative Energy in us. All capable of great things. All prisms of light.

The traditional Tiffany copper foil method of glass work was my main medium for 18 years or so. Lately I have put that aside finding great joy in other activities. Always having had an interest in what I call the “old time arts” I have taken several of them up over the years such as soap making, sewing, quilting, cooking, husbandry, beading etc. I will always continue to dabble in these arts. In recent years I have grown fond of many mediums. Creating mixed media canvas work is something I love and try to make time for.

Most of my work relates to nature in some way. Being in the forest, on the beach, in the mountains, on the lakes and rivers is pure joy. My soul feels bonded to the moss, the mushrooms, the ever changing forest floor, the horizon where the sea meet the sky oh gosh the entirety of it! I enjoy taking a variety of art classes.Learning about and exploring color and how it affects us is fascinating to me.

Currently I am working on writing my life story. No deadline on that. After 50 years in this lifetime it came to light that my dad was not my father. After some awesome visits with my therapist and an extensive search my bio family was born. There are no coincidences. My intention in putting it all down on paper is to have my children know and understand who I am so they can better understand themselves and the parts of the journey we are on together.

Finding forgiveness and a deeper understanding of my walk this lifetime has given me an amazing sense of freedom. We all have our story, our walk, our journey and so much to learn within that time. To deny the learning and awareness is an insult to time. During the time my husband and I were searching for my family I was introduced to SoulCollage®. I attended a local workshop and really felt the benefit of the process in my life. It was at Breitenbush Hot Springs (which I highly recommend) for a SoulCollage® workshop when I decided to become a SoulCollage®Facilitator in order to gain a deeper understanding about the process and use it as a tool in my kit for life. Sharing it with others is my privilege and honor.

COST:  $50 

BRING: Please bring a journal, SoulCollage® cards if you have them, and a small item for a collective representation of our gathering. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. The instructor will also bring a crockpot of vegetarian stew and bread to share.

This workshop is for students age 16 and older. 12 students max.

RSVP: via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

Artful Correspondence with instructor Melissa Favara
Dec 21 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series
Artful Correspondence with instructor Melissa Favara

Participants will create beautiful one of a kind artifacts to send in the mail that are creatively written and visually appealing during this session through exploring creative writing prompts and play with materials. Creative letter craft will involve writing, gathering ephemera, and collaging with a wealth of curious materials. Typewriters, a variety of other writing implements, and all collage materials will be provided.

Melissa Favara writes creative nonfiction, teaches writing and literature at Clark College, collects typewriters, and curates the 1,000 Words reading series. She is a member of the board of directors of the Independent Publishing Resource Center, writes the zine teen sleuth, and seeks every opportunity to promote reading, writing, and the printed word. Her work has appeared in street roots, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and elsewhere.

COST:  $30 plus a $5 material fee (Please pay material fee directly to the instructor.)

BRING: A notebook and pen and a list of people you’ve been meaning to be in better touch with. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided.

This workshop is for teens and adults. 10 students max.

RSVP: via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

Write Your Own “Snapshot” Memoir with Heather Douglas
Dec 28 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series

Write Your Own “Snapshot” Memoir with Heather Douglas

Do you have a memory floating around in your mind? Harness that moment by writing your own “Snapshot Memoir.” We will use a plethora of writing prompts and exercises to mine for a powerful snapshot and then write a 1-2 page memoir using Donald Murray’s “The Stranger in the Photo is Me” as a mentor text. If possible, bring a photo of yourself from more than 5 years ago.

Heather Douglas is a high school writing teacher, freelance writer and illustrator. She has self-published two hand-illustrated coloring books, a book of poetry and various zines. She was the recipient of Astoria Visual Arts W-i-R Writer Residency and has been published in various publications. 


COST:  $30 

BRING: a printed photo of yourself from more than 5 years ago (please bring your photo PRINTED ON PAPER so it can be shared with the class, sorry the Sou’wester cannot print your photo for you). Bring something to write with, and paper to write on. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided.

This workshop is for all ages. 10 students max.

RSVP: via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


Real Red, True Blue & Fast Yellows: Using Ancient Natural Dyes to Create Lasting Beauty with instructor Iris Sullivan Daire
Jan 17 @ 11:00 am – Jan 19 @ 3:00 pm

Winter 2020 Workshop Series

Real Red, True Blue & Fast Yellows: Using Ancient Natural Dyes to Create Lasting Beauty with instructor Iris Sullivan Daire

11am-3pm class each day: Fri, Sat, Sun Jan 17, 18, 19
(optional open studio work time 4-6pm Friday and Saturday)

Indigo, Madder, and Weld – the names are an incantation for the trinity of natural color in the ancient world of Europe and the Near East. Meanwhile in the Americas, they created amazing textiles and painting manuscripts with Indigo, Cochineal and Marigolds starting over 6,000 years ago.

In this three day immersion workshop we will delve into the potential of these 5 nature based dyes to create pure and long lasting colors. Each day will focus on one of the three primaries. Sourcing directly from the raw materials, we will create vibrant hues on cloth and paper.

This class will provide a strong foundation for working with natural dyes, including the science that makes it all work, how to best prepare fibers, and growing dye plants.

The students will work together creating a full rainbow of dyed cloth samples, and experience the alchemy of making pigment lakes that can be turned into inks and paint. Each student will take home a detailed instruction booklet, a rainbow cloth, and the dye portfolio they create for future reference.
(An optional small final project can be completed during the open studio hours outside of class.)

Friday: Royal Reds- Madder Root & Cochineal Bugs
Dye Session, and making a Madder Lake
Saturday: The Sky and Sea – Indigo Blues
Dye session, and Mayan Blue pigment
Sunday: Yellow like the Sun- Pure Weld & Sacred Marigolds
Dye session and Weld Lake

Iris Sullivan Daire is fascinated with plants and color. She lives with her family in Astoria Oregon where she grows dye plants, and is slowly mapping the color potential of the wild plants that grow in and around the Columbia River. She learned how to weave on a floor loom at age seven, and has been working with natural dyes and pigments for over 25 years in her work as an artist. Happily there continues to be new things to learn all the time. Her website is


COST:  $135 plus a $100 material fee (Please pay material fee directly to the instructor.)

BRING: Apron or studio work clothes, notebook, scissors. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot coffee and tea provided. Optional items: a dip pen or personal paint brushes, up to 8 ounces of wool yarn made into 1 ounce skeins, or 1 yard of prewashed natural fiber fabric.

Children 10 and up with a high interest in the topic are welcome when signed up with an accompaning adult. 12 students max.

RSVP: via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644

Knots and Sailing Basics with instructor Randi Whipple
Jan 25 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Winter 2020 Workshop Series

Knots and Sailing Basics with instructor Randi Whipple

This is a nautical workshop that will teach the most useful knots on a sailboat: rope splicing, whippings, and the basics knowledge of how a sailboat works. This class is a great introduction into the sailing world. You will leave with a knot booklet and personal ditty bag with Amsteel sailing rope to continue practicing your knots after the class is over.


Randi is an international sailor and artist living aboard her 80yr old wooden boat she is rebuilding. Her website is


COST: $30 plus $20 materials fee (Please pay material fee directly to instructor.)

BRING: All supplies provided. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Coffee provided.

14 students max.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644

This class is part of the Winter 2020 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.


Beginning Traditional Rughooking with Heidi Grevstad
Feb 1 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Workshop Series Winter 2020

Beginning Traditional Rughooking with Heidi Grevstad


This class will introduce students to traditional rug hooking. As a result of the class students will have the materials needed to complete their first traditional rug hooking project. The class includes a pattern hand drawn on monks cloth, wool strips needed to complete the pattern, a basic rug hooking booklet and instruction.

Heidi Grevstad is a McGown Rug Hooking Certification trainee. Her rugs have been featured in Rug Hooking Magazine’s Celebrations Editions in 2018 and 2019. She has been teaching adults in classroom settings for over 10 years and is enthusiastic about the art of traditional rug hooking. Heidi loves to get people started in this artisan craft. Heidi’s website is

COST: $30 plus $40 materials fee (Please pay material fee directly to instructor.)

BRING: All supplies provided. If students already have a hook and/or rug hooking frame, they should bring them to class. Heidi has hooks, hoops and/or frames that students may use in class. If students wish to purchase these items, Heidi will have a variety for students to choose. Please bring a sack lunch. Coffee provided.

10 students max.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644

This class is part of the Winter 2020 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.


Sorry, Knot Sorry: A Creative Healing Macramé Workshop with Nicole Boyer
Feb 15 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Winter 2020 Workshop Series

Sorry, Knot Sorry: A Creative Healing Macramé Workshop with Nicole Boyer

The class is from 11am-3pm (optional open studio work time from 3-5pm)

Remember those amazing Jute plant hangers from the 70’s? Ohhhhh- You’ve made your share, but don’t remember too much from that era? Orrrrrrr- OMG you weren’t even born yet! (And you’re pretty sure Urban Outfitters invented those things…) Bring your stories and join Coppoletti Macramé for an afternoon of laughs and mindful knot-tying. Folks of all artistic levels and all ages (kids 10 and up) are welcome to attend. We’ll begin by identifying our personal and group goals and sharing concepts of Mindfulness.

Then we’ll get familiar with the basics: Selecting rope, driftwood, planters, add-ons, and the ideal project for your skills and ambitions. Next you’ll be guided through project set-up, some essential knots, and how to welcome bumps in our learning (or relearning) process rather than apologize for them. Students will create a driftwood plant hanger; folks who may already be familiar with macrame can make a double (side by side) plant hanger if they wanna get fancy.

We’ll have ample time for snacks, coffee, and visiting along the way. At the end of the workshop, students will each walk away with new perspectives on Mindfulness and a functional, one of a kind Macramé piece to enjoy or give as a fashionably late Valentine!

Nicole Boyer is a Queer Fiber Artist from the Pacific Northwest. She fell in love with Macramé as a teenager after uncovering her mom’s 1974 Sunset Magazine edition of Macramé: Creative Knot-Tying, and proudly sold her gorgeous hemp jewelry at Church bazaars throughout high school. Living with mental illness most of her life has illuminated mindfulness, nature, and creativity as essential wellness elements. Nicole loves exploring the forests and coasts of WA and OR and believes we ALL have the potential to heal & love ourselves more fully.

COST: $30 plus $20 materials fee (Please pay material fee directly to instructor)

BRING: Snacks or sack lunch, water bottle, a journal, pen/pencil, comfortable footwear and clothing (many folks choose to stand for much of the work session), any chair cushions or supports needed to make seated work-time more comfortable. Coffee provided. (Students are invited to bring: Any special driftwood, planter, small findings or accents they wish to use in their work. They may also bring their favorite scissors, measuring tape, crochet hooks if desired.)

This workshop is geared for adults but children 10 and up with a high interest in the topic are welcome when signed up with an accompaning adult.

12 students max.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644

This class is part of the Winter 2020 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

canceled – How the Light Gets In with instructor Suzie Kassouf
Mar 21 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Winter 2020 Workshop Series

How the Light Gets In with instructor Suzie Kassouf

canceled – It can feel unbearable to carry the pain of our world in this unprecedented era of social upheaval and ecological destruction. Luckily, the task of tending to our broken world can infuse us with life-affirming purpose, connection and joy. Through vinyasa, meditation, group activities and time spent in nature, we will learn to honor our pain as a precious signifier of our compassion and care for our world. Most importantly, we will develop in ourselves a robust and muscular hope, rooted in the very unpredictability of these times. Leonard Cohen implores us, “ring the bells that still can ring/ forget your perfect offering/ there is a crack in everything/ that’s how the light gets in.” I look forward to sharing this with you.


Suzanna Kassouf  is an educator, yoga instructor and climate justice activist. After 10 years of personal practice, she completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training at The People’s Yoga with Suniti Dernovsek in 2018. She is an organizer with the climate justice group Sunrise PDX and is student teaching Environmental Justice and Ethnic Studies at Lincoln High School in Portland. Suzie believes strongly that our world is desperate for healing on multiple levels, and that true liberation can be found in community and service to others. She is passionate about marrying activism and spirituality and strives to courageously live the path of nonviolence in her life and work.


COST: sliding scale $40, $30, or $20

BRING:Pen, paper, yoga mat and a reusable bag. Please wear clothes comfortable for practicing yoga, walking on the beach and in the woods, and sitting for meditation. *optional: meditation cushion, blanket, yoga props. Sharing food is a powerful tool for deepening connection and building community. Please bring a dish to share as you are willing and able as well as an individual plate/bowl and utensils. Coffee provided.

No age limit but this class deals with deep emotions. 16 students max.

RSVP: or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Winter 2020 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.