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Inbodiment: Applying Energy Concepts to Release Tension @ Sou'wester Lodge and Vintage Travel Trailer Resort
May 8 @ 6:00 pm – May 10 @ 8:00 pm
Spring 2020 Wellness Retreat Series

Inbodiment: Applying Energy Concepts to Release Tension with Dr Heidi Walrath  


What stories are stuck in your body?

The “how to” look, listen and feel within.

led by Intuitive & Clairvoyant healer Dr. Heidi Walrath, DC

Inbodiment: is to inhabit. To bring into focus expressed curiosities and explore the expansivness within your own body’s vibration to gain tangible, sensory awareness of self-body.

This retreat is for those who wish to strengthen their ability to heal thy self.

Dr. Heidi will guide you through activities, movement, breath and meditation techniques that bring you into your body, as she accesses her intuitive and clairvoyant abilities to assist you in gaining firsthand experience with what YOU feel like. Learn how to discover your hidden stories and how to release your own pain and discomfort.

Dr. Heidi, DC BIO has always been curious. Guided by her strong inner voice, she has always listened.  When she was a child she had this feeling in her heart that lead her down the path. She started studying healing arts 20 years ago and fell in love with the idea that the body has many stories and that they could be accessed and healed. Since then, she has studied and explored different modalities receiving a certification in 200-hr Acupressure, an Assoc. degree in Exercise Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention, a Bachelors in Kinesiology & Exercise Physiology and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. She has continued her studies in quantum theory, conscious field work and dug deep into vibrational and tonal approaches through a chiropractic approach called Bio-geometric Integration (BGI) which teaches about the tonal expression through the structural body and how our bodies expressed distorted tension patterns through the whole person. She also continues to study theories on epigenetics, quantum medicine, as is currently practicing in Portland as an intuitive and clairsentient chiropractor who focuses on emotional integration and medical intuitive work.



  • Meet and Greet.
  • Setting the tone for the workshop.
  • Introductions and discussion about Inbodiment and why it is a powerful approach in self-healing.
  • Participants share any specific health concerns they are experiencing.
  • ACTIVITY grounding and clearing.



  • DISCUSSION on body tension, consciousness and stored potential.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Accessing awareness: Where do you exist? Finding hidden layers.
  • DISCUSSION on energy, force dynamics, focus vs allowance.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Giving attention to the volumes & accessing our infinite field.
  • DISCUSSION the Waves of Breath.
  • BREATH ACTIVITY: Breath & your body. How to reach the inside corners.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Connecting to breath, as a vector, with purpose.



  • DISCUSSION of concepts of awareness, focus and intention
  • MOVEMENT ACTIVITY: Where are you in space? Following vs leading
  • Guided MEDITATION: Body Scanning: where does your awareness lead you? What do you see, feel & observe?
  • ACTIVITY grounding and staying open
  • QUESTIONS on concepts covered



  • DISCUSSION: Questions from yesterday.
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Breath on purpose, building attention & the meeting of vectors.
  • DISCUSSION: Playing with body energies inside & outside, tension, disconnection, injuries, stored emotions & potential to heal.
  • MOVEMENT activity: Activating body awareness and moving energy.
  • BREATH Exercise: Creating space connecting vectors (purposeful breath & awareness meet intention.
  • MEDITATION creativity and questions



  • DISCUSSION: Stored Pain- How to change your broken story: does your past still exist once healed?
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION observing your sensations
  • DISCUSSION on energy dynamics. Changing direction, pushing vs pulling
  • Guided ACTIVE MEDITATION: Playing in all directions of moving energy or letting energy move.
  • BREATH + MEDITATION: Putting it all together.
  • DISCUSSION: Clearing and releasing the story
  • SELF Guided Application: Each person focuses on one component of their body discovery to apply what they learned
  • CLOSING gratitude share
  • ACTIVITY Releasing energy and being in allowance of change.

BEGINS: Friday at 6pm

ENDS: Sunday at 6pm

COST: $250, plus lodging (20% off)

BRING: Dress comfortably to move, bring a water bottle, and yoga mat if you have one.

This workshop is best for students age 14 and up. 10 students max.

BOOK ONLINE by clicking BOOK NOW, enter the date range and the access code INBODIMENT

*For SHARED LODGING OPTIONS please contact or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Summer 2020 Wellness Retreat Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome.

Visit to see the full schedule of retreats.


Accessing Ancestral Medicine: A Silent Writing Retreat with instructor Melissa Bennett
May 23 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Spring 2020 Workshop Series

Accessing Ancestral Medicine: A Silent Writing Retreat with instructor Melissa Bennett

In today’s hectic world of information overload it can be challenging to find time for silence, contemplation, and reflection. In this silent writing retreat we will access the quiet of Seaview’s natural landscape to listen for and remember the stories of our ancestors. We will be guided by a series of writing prompts and will meet a few times throughout the day to share our writing and build community.

Melissa Bennett (Umatilla/Nez Perce/Sac & Fox/Anishinaabe), M.Div. is a writer, storyteller, story listener, educator, and spiritual care provider. She was a 2015 recipient of the Evergreen State College Longhouse Native Creative Development Grant, has previously published with The 3rd Thing Press, Yellow Medicine Review, and Indigenous Goddess Gang, and is a member of the Macondo Writers Workshop – an association of socially engaged writers working to advance creativity, foster generosity, and serve community.

COST: $45

BRING: Fast moving writing pens, a notebook you can get messy in, the willingness to share what you create, and an item or photo that connects you to an ancestor or ancestors. Dress weather appropriate. Please bring a sack lunch for yourself and optional snacks to share. Water and coffee provided.

This workshop is for students age 18 and over. 8 students max.

RSVP: or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644

This class is part of the Spring 2020 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

Stelth Ulvang: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Aug 12 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
(Live Stream) Stelth Ulvang at The Sou’wester
Stelth Ulvang is an American musician, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, best known as the touring member of the folk rock band The Lumineers. He is also the co-founder of the Front Range-based band The Dovekins. In February 2015, Ulvang released his debut album And, as Always; the Infinite Cosmos.
** Currently, this is scheduled to not a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *
Sallie Ford & Kathy Foster: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Aug 15 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
(Live Stream) Sallie Ford, Kathy Foster at The Sou’wester
Sallie Ford grew up in Asheville, North Carolina before moving to Oregon.According to singer Seth Avett of The Avett Brothers, Ford’s songs have that “rare quality of somehow combining fun with emotional and artistic integrity” and she “fills the room with it” and reminds him of the “energy of early rock ‘n’ roll.”
Kathy Foster is an American musician best known as the bassist for the indie rock band The Thermals and drummer for the All Girl Summer Fun Band.Foster was raised in Sunnyvale, California and moved to Portland, Oregon in 1998. With Thermals bandmate Hutch Harris, she was in Haelah, Hutch and Kathy, and Urban Legends. With Foster on bass guitar, the Thermals became a mainstay of the Portland indie rock scene beginning in 2003. They have continued to tour and record since then. They are known for exploring new styles while remaining within the general confines of punk/indie rock. She also performs under the name Butterfly Transformation Service. She is the owner of the T-shirt company Daydream Factory.
** Currently, this is scheduled to not a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *
Barna Howard: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Aug 29 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm



BARNA HOWARD was born and raised in a quintessential Midwest town. His youth in Eureka, Missouri was pure Americana – the sort of childhood that inspired E.T.-era Spielberg – baseball cards in his bicycle spokes, flying freely down Main Street and through neighbors’ backyards.

However, much of Barna’s story is not unique to his hometown, and, like most of small town America, Eureka has lost some of that charm over time. Main Street has changed, kids don’t run around quite so carelessly, and in an almost laughably cruel twist, his childhood home was knocked down in favor of a Walmart parking lot.

After high school, Howard moved north to study animation in one cold and windy city and then east for love in another. Years later, he blindly followed two friends to the Northwest, crossing the Rockies for the first time, in search of inspiration, opportunity and a fresh start.

Barna’s self-titled debut chronicled these moves as he struggled with the contrast between his small town upbringing and these big city wanderings. The album was met with critical acclaim and underground success, partly thanks to an opportunely placed song in the hit indie film, Drinking Buddies. One critic even likened him to some “lost genius of the 60s.”

The songs on Barna Howard’s second album, Quite a Feelin’, ruminate on his relationship with home. Now entrenched in Portland, Oregon, many of the album’s tracks immortalize and reflect on the Eureka he once knew, while others focus on the relationships that define his new home out west. Small town life has long been celebrated in country and folk music, but Barna’s knack for capturing his own deeply personal nostalgia resonates in a rarely universal way.


** Currently, this is scheduled to not a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *

Alexis Mahler & Hanna Haas: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Sep 5 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

(Live Stream) Alexis Mahler, Hanna Haas at The Sou’wester
Alexis Mahler explores her softness through the dark and earthy colors of the cello, a somber strum comforted by delicate lyrics and playful melodies. Her debut EP, Low Moon, innocently reaches for the most tender and heartful listener, while following intricate, moving layers of cello, violin, and distant vocal harmonies that seem to fall exactly where they should.
Hanna Haas is a songwriter drawn to the dance of light and dark. Currently based in Portland Oregon, she has come to call the entire West Coast her home. Hanna describes her music as “contemplative folk,” identifying with artists Nick Drake, Joni Mitchell, and Feist for their alternate tunings and mesmerizing melodies. Inspired by environments in which she has inhabited, Hanna sings of the dramatic landscape of Big Sur, the California sun, and the vast and open Pacific Northwest sky. Hanna loves to engage her audiences in sweet story telling and laughter, leaving her audience in a state of heart-felt introspection.
Hanna has played countless shows in Portland, OR and has become a part of the close knit community of West Coast artists. Hanna recently returned from touring overseas with the music agency Blue House Music which manages artists such as The Shook Twins John Craigie, Marty O’Reilly, Jeffrey Martin, Anna Tivel, and several others. She plans to record an album this Autumn.
** Currently, this is scheduled not as a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *
Ezza Rose: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Sep 12 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm


(Live Stream) Ezza Rose at The Sou’wester
About 10 years ago, singer/songwriter Ezza Rose hitchhiked to the Pacific Northwest from Los Angeles, riding with semi-truck drivers the whole journey north. After graduating, Rose decided to make Portland her permanent home.“It seemed like a really accessible town for a creative person to live in,” Rose says.She’s currently getting ready to release her fourth LP, No Means No, which draws inspiration from the disconnect between language and intention. Growing up, Rose says her mother would use contradictory expressions like “no means no” and “sorry isn’t good enough” (which is also the title of a song on the record). These phrases were confusing to her, since one reinforces the power of words while the other implies that sometimes, they aren’t enough to merit forgiveness.In her own life, Rose feels like her words haven’t always been taken seriously. “When we disconnect the meaning from a word, it holds no value anymore and communication is gone,” she explains.No Means No is moodier than Rose’s earlier albums, like 2014’s Poolside and 2015’s When the Water’s Hot, which pull from her bluegrass influences. The driving force of Rose’s music, though, is still her voice, which sounds fit for a smoky jazz lounge.
** Currently, this is scheduled not as a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *
POSTPONED ** Esmé Patterson: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Sep 19 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

(POSTPONED) Esmé Patterson at The Sou’wester

Esmé Patterson is songwriter, gambler, singer, lover, thinker and explorer. She began as a member of the Denver Folk Pop septet, Paper Bird, and has written two records as a solo act including All Princes, I and her second and most recent release, Woman to Woman, which is a concept album of responses from female characters in a broad range of well known love songs. The Guardian called it “defiant and witty”, the New York Times found her voice “wiry and candid” with songs that “hint at mystery and mortality”. Audiotree touts “By putting herself in the minds of characters like Jolene, Eleanor Rigby, and Billie Jean, Patterson has crafted a witty, dark, and intimate twist on the popular tracks.” Esmé performs in multiple incarnations. She adds members to raise the volume and cadence of her tunes but remains powerful alone. Patterson is a magnetic performer and has appeared on the Leno, Conan and Letterman programs. Her co-writing with Shakey Graves led to sold out shows nationwide and millions of downloads of their collaborations. Esmé lives in Portland, Oregon, happily small under tall trees.

** Currently, this is scheduled not as a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *

Left Coast Country: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Sep 26 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

(Live Stream) Left Coast Country at The Sou’wester
Left Coast Country has been performing their own brand of high energy bluegrass across this country since 2010. Mixing a passion for songwriting with soaring three part harmonies and strong instrumental arrangements.
** Currently, this is scheduled not as a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *
Jeffrey Martin: Live Stream presented by Sou’wester Arts @ The Sou'wester
Oct 3 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm


(Live Stream) Jeffrey Martin at The Sou’wester

Jeffrey Martin:
As a babe Jeffrey Martin sought out solitude as often as he could find it. He’s always been that way, and he has never understood the whole phenomenon of smiling in pictures, although he is a very happy guy. One night in middle school he stayed up under the covers with a flashlight and a DiscMan, listening to Reba McEntire’s ‘That’s the Night that the Lights Went Out in Georgia’ on repeat until the DiscMan ran out of batteries. That night he became a songwriter, although he didn’t actually write a song until years later. After high school he spent a few years distracting himself from having to gather up the courage to do what he knew he had to do.

Eventually he found his way to a writing degree, and then a teaching degree. He wrote most days like his life depended on it, all sorts of things, not just songs, but songs too. He fell in love with teaching high school English, which was fantastic because he never thought he’d actually come to truly love it. His students were fierce and unstoppable forces of noise and curiosity, and for all that they took from him in sleep and sense, they gave him a hundred times back in sparks and humility.

All the while he was also playing truckloads of music. There was one weekend where he flew to LA while grading essays on the plane, played two shows, and then flew back home, still grading essays, and woke up to teach at 5 am on Monday morning. It was around this time he started wondering if such a life was sustainable.

Alas, music, the tour life, was a constant raccoon scratching at the back door. Jeffrey spent nights on end sitting up in bed, and then sitting on the front porch, staring off into the dark, wondering if he could bear to leave teaching to go on tour full time. Eventually his brain caught up with what his guts had known for months. With tears in his eyes he announced to his students that he wouldn’t be back the following year, and that he didn’t feel right hollering at them to chase their dreams at all cost if he wasn’t going to do the same.

Jeffrey Martin tours full time now. He is always making music, and he is always coming through your town. He misses teaching like you might miss a good old friend who you know you’ll meet again.

Jeffrey has put out bunches of music since 2009, but he’s most proud of the more recent stuff. He’s fortunate to be a part of the great and loving family that is Fluff and Gravy Records in Portland, OR. “One Go Around,” which released in October 2017, is his 3rd full length album. At his luckiest, he’s shared shows with the likes of Sean Hayes, Gregory Alan Isakov, Courtney Marie Andrews, Jeffrey Foucault, Joe Pug, Peter Mulvey, Amanda Shires, Sean Rowe, Tracy Grammer, David Wilcox, and others.

He currently lives in Portland, OR but feels lately that it has become a secret that someone figured out how to monetize. And since he has no money of any kind, everything beautiful about the city is marred by the quiet ticking of a countdown toward the day that he’ll have to find somewhere to live that doesn’t require a steady bleeding fortune.

** Currently, this is scheduled not as a public event, but a live stream from the outdoor stage at The Sou’wester (weather permitting). If you are a guest staying with us, the show may be audible. *