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SUMMER ART CAMP: Great Notion Filmmaking Workshop with Scott Ballard, Dicky Dahl, & Edward P Davee
Jul 19 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm


Great Notion Filmmaking Workshop with Scott Ballard, Dicky Dahl, & Edward P Davee

One Three-Day Workshop

This will be a general production class in three parts, where we carry students from concept to shooting during the week –  screenwriting, producing, directing, lighting, cinematography.  We will teach as a team, breaking out into groups for more individual instruction.

Tues July 19 10am – 1pm

Wed July 20 10am – 1pm

Thurs July 21 10am – 1pm

Scott Ballard is an award-winning Director, Producer and Director of Photography with over12 years experience filming narrative features, shorts, documentaries, commercial work and music videos. His HD, Super 16mm and 35mm work has played in festivals around the world, garnering numerous awards. He holds an MFA in Film Production from Boston University. He is currently in pre-production on his forth feature film, FRIDAY AFTERNOON IN THE UNIVERSE. He teaches at Portland Community College and the Northwest Film Center.

Dicky Dahl sang for the art-pop band Stratotanker in New York City, planted trees amongst the Mayans of highland Guatemala and herded goats in the Spanish Sierra Nevada before turning his attention to independent filmmaking. He co-wrote and produced The Ballad of Ramblin’ Jack, a documentary portrait of cowboy folksinger Ramblin’ Jack Elliott that won theSpecial Jury Prize for Artistic Achievement at the Sundance Film Festival and received wide theatrical distribution. His short film The Curio was a recipient of a project grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council and an official selection of the 2011 Portland International Film Festival. The feature version of The Curio is in the festival circuit.

Edward P. Davee is an award winning writer/director whose films have screened in several film festivals, theaters, colleges, and art galleries around the world. His first feature, How the Fire Fell, won Best Feature Film at the Seattle Film Forum’s Local Sightings festival, had theatrical runs throughout the Northwest, and was distributed internationally by FilmBuff. In 2012, Davee won the Oregon Media Arts Fellowship and and additional grants from both the Oregon Arts Commission and the Regional Arts and Culture Council.


Cost $75 for all three days or $30 each day.

Please bring : Concept for a SHORT scene – 2-3 pages, 2-3 actors – or if no original material, bring a scene from a film you like that we can help reblock using local locations.  We’ll be providing 2 Canon 5D Mark III cameras and 1 Panasonic Lumix GH4 camera for use in shooting, but if student prefers they can bring their own camera. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. Workshop for students ages 16+. All skill levels welcome. Max # of students:20   or   360 – 642 – 2542





SUMMER ART CAMP: Great Notion Filmmaking Workshop with Scott Ballard, Dicky Dahl, & Edward P Davee
Jul 20 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm


Great Notion Filmmaking Workshop with Scott Ballard, Dicky Dahl, & Edward P Davee

One Three-Day Workshop

This will be a general production class in three parts, where we carry students from concept to shooting during the week –  screenwriting, producing, directing, lighting, cinematography.  We will teach as a team, breaking out into groups for more individual instruction.

Tues July 19 10am – 1pm

Wed July 20 10am – 1pm

Thurs July 21 10am – 1pm

Scott Ballard is an award-winning Director, Producer and Director of Photography with over12 years experience filming narrative features, shorts, documentaries, commercial work and music videos. His HD, Super 16mm and 35mm work has played in festivals around the world, garnering numerous awards. He holds an MFA in Film Production from Boston University. He is currently in pre-production on his forth feature film, FRIDAY AFTERNOON IN THE UNIVERSE. He teaches at Portland Community College and the Northwest Film Center.

Dicky Dahl sang for the art-pop band Stratotanker in New York City, planted trees amongst the Mayans of highland Guatemala and herded goats in the Spanish Sierra Nevada before turning his attention to independent filmmaking. He co-wrote and produced The Ballad of Ramblin’ Jack, a documentary portrait of cowboy folksinger Ramblin’ Jack Elliott that won theSpecial Jury Prize for Artistic Achievement at the Sundance Film Festival and received wide theatrical distribution. His short film The Curio was a recipient of a project grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council and an official selection of the 2011 Portland International Film Festival. The feature version of The Curio is in the festival circuit.

Edward P. Davee is an award winning writer/director whose films have screened in several film festivals, theaters, colleges, and art galleries around the world. His first feature, How the Fire Fell, won Best Feature Film at the Seattle Film Forum’s Local Sightings festival, had theatrical runs throughout the Northwest, and was distributed internationally by FilmBuff. In 2012, Davee won the Oregon Media Arts Fellowship and and additional grants from both the Oregon Arts Commission and the Regional Arts and Culture Council.


Cost $75 for all three days or $30 each day.

Please bring : Concept for a SHORT scene – 2-3 pages, 2-3 actors – or if no original material, bring a scene from a film you like that we can help reblock using local locations.  We’ll be providing 2 Canon 5D Mark III cameras and 1 Panasonic Lumix GH4 camera for use in shooting, but if student prefers they can bring their own camera. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. Workshop for students ages 16+. All skill levels welcome. Max # of students:20   or   360 – 642 – 2542





SUMMER ART CAMP: Great Notion Filmmaking Workshop with Scott Ballard, Dicky Dahl, & Edward P Davee
Jul 21 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm


Great Notion Filmmaking Workshop with Scott Ballard, Dicky Dahl, & Edward P Davee

One Three-Day Workshop

This will be a general production class in three parts, where we carry students from concept to shooting during the week –  screenwriting, producing, directing, lighting, cinematography.  We will teach as a team, breaking out into groups for more individual instruction.

Tues July 19 10am – 1pm

Wed July 20 10am – 1pm

Thurs July 21 10am – 1pm

Scott Ballard is an award-winning Director, Producer and Director of Photography with over12 years experience filming narrative features, shorts, documentaries, commercial work and music videos. His HD, Super 16mm and 35mm work has played in festivals around the world, garnering numerous awards. He holds an MFA in Film Production from Boston University. He is currently in pre-production on his forth feature film, FRIDAY AFTERNOON IN THE UNIVERSE. He teaches at Portland Community College and the Northwest Film Center.

Dicky Dahl sang for the art-pop band Stratotanker in New York City, planted trees amongst the Mayans of highland Guatemala and herded goats in the Spanish Sierra Nevada before turning his attention to independent filmmaking. He co-wrote and produced The Ballad of Ramblin’ Jack, a documentary portrait of cowboy folksinger Ramblin’ Jack Elliott that won theSpecial Jury Prize for Artistic Achievement at the Sundance Film Festival and received wide theatrical distribution. His short film The Curio was a recipient of a project grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council and an official selection of the 2011 Portland International Film Festival. The feature version of The Curio is in the festival circuit.

Edward P. Davee is an award winning writer/director whose films have screened in several film festivals, theaters, colleges, and art galleries around the world. His first feature, How the Fire Fell, won Best Feature Film at the Seattle Film Forum’s Local Sightings festival, had theatrical runs throughout the Northwest, and was distributed internationally by FilmBuff. In 2012, Davee won the Oregon Media Arts Fellowship and and additional grants from both the Oregon Arts Commission and the Regional Arts and Culture Council.


Cost $75 for all three days or $30 each day.

Please bring : Concept for a SHORT scene – 2-3 pages, 2-3 actors – or if no original material, bring a scene from a film you like that we can help reblock using local locations.  We’ll be providing 2 Canon 5D Mark III cameras and 1 Panasonic Lumix GH4 camera for use in shooting, but if student prefers they can bring their own camera. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. Workshop for students ages 16+. All skill levels welcome. Max # of students:20   or   360 – 642 – 2542





Muisc: Espacio Flamenco
Jul 23 @ 8:00 pm

Join us in welcoming Espacio Flamenco to The Sou’wester!


Our goal is to create a space where flamenco arts and culture can be experienced, explored, learned and refined. We provide instruction, performance, and special events that encourage individual expression as well as collaboration and exchange among artists. We want to share our love of Flamenco with our community!

Brenna McDonald – Guitar
Randa BenAziz – Vocals
Lillie Last – Dance
Montserrat Andreys – Dance
Christina Lorentz – Dance/percussion
Nick Hutch – Cajon

Lost Lander (acoustic)
Jul 30 @ 8:00 pm


Performing a special stripped down acoustic set, The Sou’wester Lodge welcomes Lost Lander with Garth Steel Klippert of Old Light playing a short solo piano set!

Before she died, Matt Sheehy’s mother used to tell him about a dream she had about Lost Land Lake—a place she spent part of her mid-western childhood. That dream inspired the name of the Juneau-born, Portland-based songwriter’s band, and her memory is imbued in Medallion, their second album. If DRRT, the group’s first independently released album, was about the confluence of nature and technology, Medallion, its latest, concerns dualities – experiences of love and loss, impermanence and longevity, death and rebirth.

The confrontation of these dualities resulted in a set of songs that explore “more human territory,” according to Sheehy, a professional forester who spend his days in Oregon’s immense wooded expanse – where he collects data while occasionally dodging 1,000-pound bull elks and the stray hunter’s bullet.

The coming-apart of Sheehy’s marriage engagement and nearly concurrent loss of his mother, followed closely by the blooming of a relationship with longtime friend and bandmate Sarah Fennell, heavily influenced the lyrics on Medallion.

“It was almost like a switch flipped,” Fennell says. “It took us a while to figure out what that meant.” The 80s British synth-pop influenced ““Gemini” deals very directly with the danger I felt in getting closer to Sarah,” says Sheehy, while Paul Simon-esque world folk number “Flinch” is a direct response to his mom’s passing.

Yet not all the songs are so directly autobiographical: “Feed the Fever” was based on a TV interview with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden; the lyrics are direct quotes from the transcript. The swirling world beat psychedelia of “Trailer Tracks” was written whilst secluded in an Airstream during a writers’ retreat. The wide-screen Blue Velvet epic “Alpine Street” is a cinematic dream of suburban domesticity, cut with an undercurrent of sadness and dread. “Nothing lasts forever,” Matt observes. “And the seeds are already planted for the change that’s inevitable.”

Sheehy took the seeds of the songs into “the idea factory/workshop that is Brent Knopf’s brain,” he relates, “where he spits out all the bells and whistles that we hang on those structures.”

The new songs, recorded with producer Knopf (Ramona Falls, Menomena), also owe their current form to Sheehy’s bandmates; keyboardist Fennell, drummer Patrick Hughes and ex-bassist Dave Lowensohn. Medallion also features Beirut trumpet player Kelly Pratt, Akron/Family’s Dana Jenssen, and new bass and guitar player, William Seiji Marsh.

After the 2011 release of DRRT, Lost Lander went on tour for almost two years, playing 140 shows in the US, Canada, Europe, and Russia, where their collective experience resulted in the camaraderie and tightness that went into the making of Medallion. “For me, this band has been a dream come true” says Sheehy. The music business in general may be pessimistic, but not everyone in it is. We’re excited to go towards enthusiasm.”

Medallion is all about wrenching joy from despair, of finding the permanent within the temporary. “This record is an exclamation of love and loss,” Fennell declares. “It’s emotional, dealing with life in an exuberant way, even if it’s sad, hard, wonderful, and crazy. We’re all just lucky to be here to experience it.”

SUMMER ART CAMP: Craft & DIY Workshops with Liz Rosino Wright & Brian Wright of Assembly PDX
Aug 2 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Craft & DIY Workshops with Liz Rosino Wright & Brian Wright


Three One-Day Workshops: RSVP for 1 or all 3


Tues Aug 2 10am – 1pm
Leatherworking – Mason Jar Sleeve

Learn how fun and easy it is to work with leather! Become familiar with how to stitch, rivet, and tool one of nature’s most durable and beautiful materials. You’ll leave with a unique thermal sleeve with your own design that will transform a standard mason jar into a personalized camp mug that’s perfect for hot and cold drinks! You’ll also gain the skills and confidence you need to make all the leather goods your heart desires, such as wallets, belts, and jewelry.


Wed Aug 3 10am – 1pm
Block Printing – Fabric and Journals

Block printing is one of the most ancient types of printmaking and is an excellent way to make something truly by hand that can also be very easily replicated. In this class you will create your design, carve your block, and explore printing on various materials to make stunning tote bags, journals, or tea towels. Take the block home with you and continue printing on everything in sight! (Wear clothes that are ok for you,or others, to possibly get paint on.)


Thurs Aug 4 10am – 1pm
Macramé – Plant Hanger

Learn the relaxing technique of macramé, the art of tying cord into knots in such a way that creates useful and decorative shapes. You’ll learn the basics and apply your new skills to create a modern plant hanger that will bring life to a corner of your home. Once you’ve mastered the knots, there is no limit to the masterpieces you can create!

Started in 2016 by Liz and Brian Wright, Assembly PDX offers opportunities to make fun, unique and modern crafts and DIY projects. Helping people harness their creativity and feel empowered, Assembly provides well-organized educational events, kits, and supplies. Originally from Ohio, Liz Rosino Wright has a long history of creative projects and pursuits as a professional artist, designer, video producer, small business owner, and museum researcher. Liz founded Craftin’ Outlaws, an alternative craft fair in Columbus, Ohio that attracts thousands, now in its 11th year. She finds tools, materials, and processes from the usual to the unexpected to be a major source of inspiration in her work. Brian Wright, a native of Southwest Washington, is a busy Portland-based drummer, event producer, and lover of all crafts beginning with his addiction to sewing in 2010.



Cost $75 for all three days or $30 each day paid to the Sou’wester.

Material fee for each class $15 paid to instructor. Classes geared for beginners but all skill levels welcome. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. Workshop for students ages 16+. Max # of students:15

Please RSVP by day before each workshop   or   360 – 642 – 2542




SUMMER ART CAMP: Craft & DIY Workshops with Liz Rosino Wright & Brian Wright of Assembly PDX
Aug 3 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Craft & DIY Workshops with Liz Rosino Wright & Brian Wright


Three One-Day Workshops: RSVP for 1 or all 3


Tues Aug 2 10am – 1pm
Leatherworking – Mason Jar Sleeve

Learn how fun and easy it is to work with leather! Become familiar with how to stitch, rivet, and tool one of nature’s most durable and beautiful materials. You’ll leave with a unique thermal sleeve with your own design that will transform a standard mason jar into a personalized camp mug that’s perfect for hot and cold drinks! You’ll also gain the skills and confidence you need to make all the leather goods your heart desires, such as wallets, belts, and jewelry.


Wed Aug 3 10am – 1pm
Block Printing – Fabric and Journals

Block printing is one of the most ancient types of printmaking and is an excellent way to make something truly by hand that can also be very easily replicated. In this class you will create your design, carve your block, and explore printing on various materials to make stunning tote bags, journals, or tea towels. Take the block home with you and continue printing on everything in sight! (Wear clothes that are ok for you,or others, to possibly get paint on.)


Thurs Aug 4 10am – 1pm
Macramé – Plant Hanger

Learn the relaxing technique of macramé, the art of tying cord into knots in such a way that creates useful and decorative shapes. You’ll learn the basics and apply your new skills to create a modern plant hanger that will bring life to a corner of your home. Once you’ve mastered the knots, there is no limit to the masterpieces you can create!

Started in 2016 by Liz and Brian Wright, Assembly PDX offers opportunities to make fun, unique and modern crafts and DIY projects. Helping people harness their creativity and feel empowered, Assembly provides well-organized educational events, kits, and supplies. Originally from Ohio, Liz Rosino Wright has a long history of creative projects and pursuits as a professional artist, designer, video producer, small business owner, and museum researcher. Liz founded Craftin’ Outlaws, an alternative craft fair in Columbus, Ohio that attracts thousands, now in its 11th year. She finds tools, materials, and processes from the usual to the unexpected to be a major source of inspiration in her work. Brian Wright, a native of Southwest Washington, is a busy Portland-based drummer, event producer, and lover of all crafts beginning with his addiction to sewing in 2010.



Cost $75 for all three days or $30 each day paid to the Sou’wester.

Material fee for each class $15 paid to instructor. Classes geared for beginners but all skill levels welcome. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. Workshop for students ages 16+. Max # of students:15

Please RSVP by day before each workshop   or   360 – 642 – 2542




Miss Lana Rebel & Kevin Michael Mayfield
Aug 3 @ 8:00 pm


Country music was not always about glitz, glamour and praising the red, white and blue. In its earliest inception, it was a means for communities and families to get together, quaff whiskey from jugs and mason jars, and share stories about the hardships of life. While most mainstream country artists like to ally themselves with “real” country, few of them come within a good squirt of tobacco juice of it.
Leave it to Portland, Ore.’s Lana Rebel to hit the mark. Dusty roadhouses and the front seats of beat-up Chevys are the landscapes for her broken hearted tales, delivered in a sweet alto with just enough instrumentation to keep it interesting. Don’t expect boot-kicking barnstormers here, or sassy odes to “redneck woman” power; these are love songs, and Lana knows that that is one four-letter word that often rides with hurt.
Lana avoids many of the clichés of country music, like annoying vocal inflections and clever turns of phrases that are just too predictable. Her music falls somewhere between The Virginian-era Neko Case and Mary Gauthier records. If sad songs don’t drive you to drinkin’, and if tales of woe don’t bring you down, this record will be your friend.

SUMMER ART CAMP: Craft & DIY Workshops with Liz Rosino Wright & Brian Wright of Assembly PDX
Aug 4 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Craft & DIY Workshops with Liz Rosino Wright & Brian Wright


Three One-Day Workshops: RSVP for 1 or all 3


Tues Aug 2 10am – 1pm
Leatherworking – Mason Jar Sleeve

Learn how fun and easy it is to work with leather! Become familiar with how to stitch, rivet, and tool one of nature’s most durable and beautiful materials. You’ll leave with a unique thermal sleeve with your own design that will transform a standard mason jar into a personalized camp mug that’s perfect for hot and cold drinks! You’ll also gain the skills and confidence you need to make all the leather goods your heart desires, such as wallets, belts, and jewelry.


Wed Aug 3 10am – 1pm
Block Printing – Fabric and Journals

Block printing is one of the most ancient types of printmaking and is an excellent way to make something truly by hand that can also be very easily replicated. In this class you will create your design, carve your block, and explore printing on various materials to make stunning tote bags, journals, or tea towels. Take the block home with you and continue printing on everything in sight! (Wear clothes that are ok for you,or others, to possibly get paint on.)


Thurs Aug 4 10am – 1pm
Macramé – Plant Hanger

Learn the relaxing technique of macramé, the art of tying cord into knots in such a way that creates useful and decorative shapes. You’ll learn the basics and apply your new skills to create a modern plant hanger that will bring life to a corner of your home. Once you’ve mastered the knots, there is no limit to the masterpieces you can create!

Started in 2016 by Liz and Brian Wright, Assembly PDX offers opportunities to make fun, unique and modern crafts and DIY projects. Helping people harness their creativity and feel empowered, Assembly provides well-organized educational events, kits, and supplies. Originally from Ohio, Liz Rosino Wright has a long history of creative projects and pursuits as a professional artist, designer, video producer, small business owner, and museum researcher. Liz founded Craftin’ Outlaws, an alternative craft fair in Columbus, Ohio that attracts thousands, now in its 11th year. She finds tools, materials, and processes from the usual to the unexpected to be a major source of inspiration in her work. Brian Wright, a native of Southwest Washington, is a busy Portland-based drummer, event producer, and lover of all crafts beginning with his addiction to sewing in 2010.



Cost $75 for all three days or $30 each day paid to the Sou’wester.

Material fee for each class $15 paid to instructor. Classes geared for beginners but all skill levels welcome. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. Workshop for students ages 16+. Max # of students:15

Please RSVP by day before each workshop   or   360 – 642 – 2542




Canceled – SUMMER ART CAMP: Animation & Painting Workshops with Rachel Blumberg and Annie Beedy
Aug 9 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm


So sorry folks….due to zero students signing up for this class we have to cancel it.

Animation & Painting Workshops with Rachel Blumberg

Three One-Day Workshops: RSVP for 1 or all 3


Tues Aug 9 10am – 2pm

Stop Motion Animation Workshop: Found Object Fun

You are invited to enter the wonderful world of stop motion animation! In this workshop you will learn a few simple stop motion techniques and make your own short film using materials we’ll collect on a nature walk, as well as anything you’d like to bring from home.  Bring your imagination and learn the magical art of animated storytelling!  Fun for kids and adults alike.

Each student or parent/kid team will need

Animation Tools:

  • A laptop computer with a compatible digital camera and tripod.
  • OR an ipad with stand or tripod.
  • OR a smart phone with a tripod.
  • AND the charging device for what they are bringing.

And An Animation Program:

Please bring an additional material fee of $10 paid directly to the instructor.


Wed Aug 10 10am – 2pm

Stop Motion Animation Workshop: Colors and Shapes

You are invited to enter the wonderful world of stop motion animation! In this workshop you will learn a few simple stop motion techniques and make your own short film using cut paper shapes and characters. Bring your imagination and learn the magical art of animated storytelling!  Fun for kids and adults alike.

Each student or parent/kid team will need

Animation Tools:

  • A laptop computer with a compatible digital camera and tripod.
  • OR an ipad with stand or tripod.
  • OR a smart phone with a tripod.
  • AND the charging device for what they are bringing.

And An Animation Program:

Please bring an additional material fee of $10 paid directly to the instructor. Bring a pair of scissors too!


Thurs Aug 11 10am – 1pm

Painting Workshop: Make Your Own Tea Towels

Make your own beautiful household art.  In this class you will learn several water based painting on fabric  techniques and  discuss how to choose subject matter with a focus on storytelling and narrative in art. Painting experience is not necessary.  This is great relaxing fun for kids and adults alike!

Please bring an additional material fee of $15 paid directly to the instructor. Please wear clothes ok for you, or others, to get paint on.


Rachel Blumberg is a multi-media artist and educator who works in the fields of visual art, music, and stop motion animation. As a visual artist she makes paintings, drawings, found object pieces and other work inspired by dream land, folklore, history, nature, and people’s stories. She shows regularly as well as creating many commissioned works. As a musician she has performed, toured and recorded with many widely acclaimed artists including The Decemberists, M. Ward, Bright Eyes, Califone, Norfolk & Western, Laura Gibson, Death Vessel,  Tara Jane O’Neil, Michael Hurley and many more, as well as composing and performing her own music. As a stop motion animator she has created shorts and music videos for Nada Surf, Tom Hagerman (Devotchka), and Musee Mechanique among others. As an educator she teaches drums and general music, stop motion animation, painting, and  mixed media arts to kids and adults privately, in workshops, camps, and has also worked for many public and private schools and non-profits. Originally from Portland, OR, she now lives in Rhode Island.

Annie Beedy grew up riding horses, drawing spaceships and skipping class in the idyllic wilds of Northern California. After a failed attempt at institutionalized education, she headed to the Pacific Northwest where she became involved with that region’s incredibly vibrant music and arts scene. These days she identifies as a nature based designer and photographer. Often she can be found covered in dust in her woodshop handcarving kitchen tools, plant stands and furniture as well as designing gardens, interior spaces and floral arrangements. Best known photographically for her casual, photojournalistic portraiture, she captures intimate, real moments in human lives. Annie shoots with natural and available light. No bells and whistles needed, just a good instinct for light and recognition of the right moments. Her work has appeared in Rolling Stone, Spin, Vogue, Nylon, Dwell and more – and on the sides of Portland’s Tri-Met buses and countless blogs.



Cost $75 for all three days or $30 each day.

Parent-guided kids ages 6-11 welcome. All kids age 12 and up welcome! Adults welcome! All parent/kid teams welcome! All skill levels welcome. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided. Max # of students:10

Please RSVP   or   360 – 642 – 2542



